Nedavno sem naročila kopalke preko spletne strani Zaful in ko sem na svoj instagram objavila slikico teh kopalk (klikni tukaj, da si ogledaš slikico), mi je pisalo kar nekaj punc, ki so jih zanimale vse mogoče informacije! Ker še vedno precej pogosto dobim vsaj kakšno sporočilo glede kopalkic, sem se odločila spisati tole kratko objavico o moji izkušnji z njihovimi izdelki. Pa začnimo!
// Hello! ☺️
Recently I ordered something from an online store called Zaful. When I posted a picture of the bathing suit I bought I immediately received quite a lot of messages from girls wanting to know different information about the store and their products. Because I still get quite a few messages on a daily basis I decided to write up this short post in which I'll describe my thoughts about their products. Let's begin!