Iluvsarahii x Colourpop

Živjo! Danes bom pisala o dveh izdelkih, ki sem si jih naročila ob izidu nove kolekcije Colourpopa. Ti izdelki so nastali v sodelovanju z lepotno youtuberko Iluvsarahii. Spremljam jo že kar nekaj časa in ko sem izvedela, da bo izdala kolekcijo v sodelovanju z eno od mojih naljubših znamk ličil, sem vedela, da bo ponovno treba nekaj naročiti 🙊. Nažalost sem se spet morala držati omejitve za carino, ki je 22 evrov, in tako sem si naročila le dve tekoči šminkici. Vendar je imel Colourpop takrat ravno promocijo, da ob vsakem nakupu nad 10 dolarjev prejmeš zastonj senčko (ki je naravnost čudovita, če smo že pri tem), tako da bom v tej objavi pokazala še ta izdelek. No, pa začnimo! 

// Hi! Today I will be writing about two products that I ordered as soon as Colourpop launched their new collection. These products are part of their collaboration with the amazing beauty Youtuber Iluvsarahii. I have been following her for quite a while and as soon as I heard that she's launching her own collection with one of my favorite makeup brands I knew I would have to order something 🙊. Unfortunately, I had to stick to the customs limit which is 22 euros so I only got two of the liquid lipsticks. But, Colourpop had (to my luck) a promotion going on at that time so with every purchase over 10$ you would get a free eyeshadow (which is absolutely gorgeous). Now, let's begin!

Za nakup kolekcije klikni tukaj // To shop the collection, click here 

Kdo je iluvsarahii? 
Karen Sarahi Gonzalez je po svojih socialnih omrežjih bolje poznana po imenu Iluvsarahii. Na Instagramu ima trenutno 3.5 milijona sledilcev, na Youtubu pa 378.000 naročnikov. Včasih je bila zaposlena kot vizažistka in sedaj te svoje sposobnosti ličenja deli z ostalimi na socialnih omrežjih. 

// Who is Iluvsarahii?
Karen Sarahi Gonzalez is better known on social media as Iluvsarahii. She currently has 3.5 million followers on Instagram and 378.000 subscribers on Youtube. She used to work as a professional makeup artist and now she's sharing her makeup knowledge and skills online. 

Kaj vsebuje celotna kolekcija?
V kolekciji se najde lepa zbirka izdelkov. Vsebuje dve paletki štirih senčk - Chic-y in $aucey. Poleg teh dveh paletk pa so ustvarili še 6 izdekov za ustnice in sicer tri črtala za ustnice in 3 tekoče šminkice. Svinčniki in tekoče šminkice se med seboj ujemajo in tako imamo kupci na izbiro 3 odtenke - Curvii (glos + svinčnik), 951 (satenasta tekoča šminka + svinčnik) in Mamacita (mat tekoča šminka + svinčnik).

Paletki štirih senčk staneta 18$ (15,98 evra). V paletki dobiš 4 x 1.5 grama senčke (0.053oz).
Tekoče šminkice stanejo 6$ (5,33 evra). V embalaži je 3.2 grama šminkice (0.11oz).
Svinčniki za ustnice stanejo 5$ (4,44 evra). Neto teža izdelka je 1 gram (0.035oz).

//What does the collection include?
The collection includes a nice variety of products. It features two eyeshadow palettes with four eyeshadows - Chic-y and $aucey. They also created 6 lip products - three lip liners and three liquid lipsticks. There are three shades available which means the lipsticks and liners match to create a gorgeous lip kit. The shades available are Curvi (lipgloss + pencil), 951 (Ultra Satin Lip + liner), Mamacita (Ultra Matte lip + pencil).

One eyeshadow palette costs 18$ (15,98 euro). It includes 4 x 1.5 gram of eyshadow (0.053oz).
The liquid lipsticks cost 6$ each (5,33 euro). In the packaging, you get 3.2 gram of product (0.11oz).
The lip pencils cost 5$ each (4,44 euro). You receive 1 gram of product (0.035oz).

Jaz sem si naročila dve tekoči šminkici in sicer v odtenku 951 in Mamacita.
951 je prečudovita satenasta šminkica v ''nude'' barvi. Na ustnicah je izjemno pigmentirana in kar precej obstojna, kar pa mi je najbolj všeč je to, kako se je sploh ne čuti na ustnicah.
Mamacita je mat šminkica zaradi česar njena formula za malenkost izsuši ustnice, vendar je veliko bolj obstojna. Kar pa me je malenkost zmotilo je bilo dejstvo, da je bil nanos rahko neenakomeren. To se da odpraviti s tem, da naneseš še dodatno, tanjšo plast šminkice.

// I ordered two liquid lipsticks - I got the shade 951 and Mamacita. 
951 is a gorgeous satin lip in a peachy-nude color. The color payoff is amazing (so pigmented!!) and quite long wearing but what I like the most is the fact that the formula is so 'comfortable'. You don't even feel the lipstick on your lips!
Mamacita is a matte lip which makes its formula a tiny bit more drying, but it definitely stays longer on your lips! The only problem I had with it is the fact that it applied a little bit streaky. But you can fix that by applying another light layer. 

Sedaj pa bom povedala še nekaj malega o prečudoviti senčki, ki sem jo v svojem paketku prejela kot darilo!
Senčka spada pod njihovo Super Shock Eyeshadows linijo. Ena senčka stane 5$ (4,44 evra) in vsebuje 0.07oz izdelka. Formula je neverjetno kremasta, ob nanosu pa se spremeni v ''navadno'', pudrasto senčko, kar pomeni, da jo z lahko tudi zabrišeš ali s prstom, ali s čopičem. Izbira med odtenki v tej liniji je neverjetno velika. Tale, ki sem jo prejela jaz pa je bila omejena izdaja ob njihovem rojstnem dnevu. Senčka se imenuje Birthday Cake, kar je precej primerno glede na njen izgled - je roza/bakrene barve in polna zlatih bleščic!

// Now, let's talk a little bit about the gorgeous eyeshadow that I received as a gift with my order. 
This shadow is part of their Super Schock Eyeshadows line. Each shadow costs 5$ (4,44 euro) and contains 0.07oz of the product. The formula is extremely creamy but turns powdery when applied. The shade range is insanely large but the one that I got was limited edition during their birthday celebration. The shadow is called Birthday Cake, which is quite fitting considering the way it looks - it's a coppery pink and filled with gold glitter

In še 'vzorčki' vseh izdelkov, o katerih sem pisala! Od zgoraj navzdol: 951 (satenasta šminkica), Mamacita (mat šminkica), Birthday Cake (Super shock senčka)

// And here are the swatches of all the products I wrote about! From top to bottom: 951 (Ultra Satin Lip), Mamacita (Ultra Matte Lip), Birthday Cake (Super Shock Shadow). 

To je to za danes! 

Ker s pisanjem bloga šele začenjam, se ne nameravam omejevati z točno določenimi dnevi objavljanja in nekakšno vnaprej zastavljeno rutino. Tako sem se odločila le zaradi tega, ker imam trenutno še precej veliko idej, o čem bi pisala, in seveda bom ta zagon izkoristila do maksimuma! S časom, pa bom seveda ugotovila kdaj in kako pogosto mi odgovarja pisanje, o čemer bom vas bralce  obvestila ☺️
Se slišimo kmalu in hvala za branje! 💗

// This is it for today!

Because I have only just started writing this blog, I'm not going to limit myself to set days and routines of posting. This is purely due to the fact that I have plenty of ideas that I want to write about and post - of course, I'm gonna use this drive to the fullest now that I have the chance! I'm sure that with time I'll figure out a schedule and I'll be sure to notify you about it when I do!

Talk to you very soon and thank you for reading! 💗

2 komentarja

  1. Odgovori
    1. Jaaa, senčka je res neverjetno kremasta in bleščeča! Da o pigmentaciji sploh ne govorimo <3
